Clay County Rental Assistance Program

Clay County Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Please click here to visit the Emergency Rental Assistance Application Portal. Thank you.

The Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program, which has a budget of $25 billion, was established by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, of 2021 (Public Law 116-260). From the United States Department of Treasury, Clay County has received $6.6 million for rental assistance for eligible households negatively impacted by the high cost of living and the resulting economic environment.

Amounts collected should go toward meeting rent and/or utility obligations. This county-wide program applies to all unincorporated areas and incorporated municipalities.

Step 1: Determine if you are eligible.

Read the Frequently Asked Questions and ensure you have all the required documents and meet all the eligibility requirements before applying for this program. Please do not begin the application process until you have gathered all the necessary documentation.

Step 2: Fill out the application completely.

Fill out the online application form available on the Portal’s website. To be considered for Clay County’s Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program, applicants must affirm their eligibility and upload all necessary documentation.

Step 3: Evaluation of the application

Clay County staff will review all applications to determine eligibility. If any of the documents are falsified, the application will be rejected. Applicants will be given five business days to resubmit any documents that were either missing or illegible the first time.

Step 4: Notice to the Applicant 

Applicants will be notified of their application’s status while it is being reviewed. All applicants can check the status of their current application at any time by logging into the application portal.

Processing and distribution are the fifth and final steps.

Applications that have been approved will be processed for direct payment to the vendor via check sent through the mail.

Click here to learn more about the U.S. Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

Documents Supplementary to the Original

In addition to the application, you may be required to complete one or more of the supplemental documents listed below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 904-529-4256.

Clay County Emergency Rental Assistance Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will Clay County begin accepting applications for its programs and services?

Applicants for Clay County will be able to submit applications starting in March 2021.

The program is open to renters in Clay County who meet the following criteria

  1. Possess a household income of at least $60,000 for a family of four or $48,000 for a family of two AND have a household income of at least 80 percent of the HUD Area Median Family Income (HAMFI).
  2. If you are experiencing housing instability or are at risk of homelessness if you owe back rent or past-due utility bills (such as electricity, gas, water, or Internet), or if you’ve received an eviction notice AND
  3. Have suffered from financial hardship due to inflation, such as unemployment, reduced working hours, business closure, or significant new expenses.

Household Size

80% of Area Median Income

















*Because Clay County is a part of the Jacksonville, FL HUD Metro FMR Area, all of the information presented here for 2020 applies to the entire Jacksonville, FL HUD Metro FMR Area, including Clay County.

Suppose you or any of your household members are currently enrolled in any of the programs listed below. In that case, you will likely meet the income eligibility requirements for the Clay County Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Please upload a copy of your award or approval letter dated on or after January 1, 2020, and includes your signature.

  • Medicaid Home Energy Assistance Program for Low-Income Families (LIHEAP)
  • Program for National School Lunches (which includes free and reduced-price school lunches)
  • Snack food stamps and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps)
  • Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) (WIC)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides a monthly cash benefit to people who are unable to work (SSI)
  • Assistance to Needy Families Temporarily (TANF)
  • Assistance from Native Americans
  • Pension or Disability Benefits from the VA
  • So, what kinds of things can be covered by the program, exactly?
    • From March 13, 2020, onward, there will be rental arrears.
    • Utility and home energy bills that are past due (Electricity, Water, Gas, etc.)
    • Internet services that are past due
    • If you become homeless, you may be eligible for future payments.
  • What kind of assistance is available to each household and to what extent?

From March 13, 2020, households approved for the program will be eligible to receive rental assistance for past-due rent for up to 12 months, in which no other rental assistance has been received. Housing and utility assistance for past-due electricity, gas, internet, and water bills may also be available to eligible households for three (3) months of future rental assistance.

Yes, renters can apply for assistance with utility payments even if they do not require assistance with rent payments. You must provide a recent statement from the utility company/companies to demonstrate past and current amounts owed.

  • I have a housing choice voucher or live in public housing, but I am still behind on my rent. Do I qualify for a rental assistance program?

Suppose a household qualifies for monthly rental assistance. In that case, the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program may only cover costs not covered by other rental assistance programs, such as utility bills or repairs.

  • What information do I need to apply?

Requirements for Documentation

Types of Documents Accepted Documents
Proof of Identity

Current ID unless stated otherwise

  • Driver’s license or other state-issued ID (Head of household’s ID must match Rental Address)
  • U.S. or foreign passport
  • School ID
  • U.S. visa
  • Work permit
  • Legal permanent resident card (Green card)
  • Office of Refugee Resettlement ID
  • Military ID
  • Additional documentation may be requested if a landlord refuses to participate and direct cash assistance is needed
Proof of Income

Provide all pages of the documents

  • Award or approval letter for any of the public benefits programs listed in FAQ #2 (letter must have a name on it and must be dated on or after January 1, 2020)

OR one of the below:

  • 2020 tax return listing all adult household members (Preferred method; will qualify for 12 months)
  • 2020 W-2(s) for every job held by each adult household member
  • 2020 1099(s) for every job held by each adult household
  • Unemployment compensation statement
  • Pay stubs for the 90 days before the application date, with the name of beneficiary and address of the rental unit
  • Stipend(s), alimony, pension/retirement/annuity monthly award letter(s)
  • SSI or SSDI statement of benefits, with name of beneficiary and address of rental unit


  • Loss of Income/Zero Income Self-Attestation Form if none of the above are available
Proof of Economic Hardship due to Inflation

Provide all pages of the documents

  • Unemployment statement
  • Discharge, layoff, or furlough letter
  • Pay stubs showing a reduction in work hours
  • Pay stubs showing a reduction in income
  • Notice of business closure (letter from employer of closure, closure announcement in newspaper, etc.)
  • Documentation of significant costs incurred, such as child or dependent care or medical expenses
  • Other proof of financial hardship


  • Loss of Income/Zero Income Self-Attestation Form
Proof of Housing Instability

Provide all pages of the documents

  • Past due rent notice or invoice
  • A letter or other communication from the landlord indicating past past-due rent amount
  • Late or unpaid utility bills (water, electricity, gas)
  • Lockout notice or eviction notice


  • Risk of Homelessness/Loss of housing Attestation if none of the above are available

Clay County Emergency Rental Assistance

Struggling to pay rent? The Clay County Emergency Rental Assistance Program is here to help. Access the support you need to stay in your home and find relief today!

Learn More & Apply


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