Understanding Eligibility for Fresno’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Apply Now to Avoid Eviction

Getting 100% of your rent and utility bills reimbursed to qualified tenants and landlords is now possible.

Apply Now to Avoid Eviction

Fresno has received around $42 million in emergency rental assistance from the federal and state governments to help residents maintain their housing stability during these unprecedented and challenging economic circumstances. The City of Fresno, in partnership with six community benefit organizations, will provide help to both landlords and tenants in the coming year (CBOs). Residents of Fresno who have been adversely affected by COVID-19 and cannot pay their rent and utility bills in full by April 1, 2020, can apply for Emergency Rental Assistance (ERAP) through the City of Fresno’s Housing and Community Development Department.

Even though the Eviction Moratorium has expired, you can still apply for ERAP protection. ERAP money is anticipated to be exhausted by September 30, 2025, whichever comes first. This website provides more information on the eviction moratorium and the City of Fresno’s Eviction Protection Program in Fresno, California.

Find out about the eviction moratorium>>>

Fresno, CA eviction protection program>>>

Rental assistance for Fresno

Apply for California rental assistance

What Kind of Help Can I Expect?

Past Due Rent

If landlords participate in the California COVID-19 Rent Relief program, they may be eligible to receive payment for unpaid rent that dates back to April 1, 2020.

Suppose their landlords refuse to participate in the program. In that case, tenants who meet the program’s eligibility standards can do so independently and receive assistance with back rent due as far back as April 1, 2020. To avoid a fine, the renter must pay the landlord within 15 business days after the lease’s expiration.

Future Rent

Qualified tenants may be eligible for a loan for up to three months’ future rent.

Income assistance, whether it is for the present or the future:

Furthermore, renters who have not paid their utility bills in full since April 1, 2020, may be eligible for 100 percent help from the utility provider. The utilities provided by the landlord will be included in the rental price.

Since the first day of April 2020, the maximum rental and utility assistance an applicant can obtain is limited to 18 months per application. It is possible to use rental arrears, or a combination of rental arrears and future rent, as financial assistance. Rent payments for the foreseeable future can only be made in three-month increments. As an illustration, consider the following:

Fifteen months of rent arrears plus three months’ rent equals 18 months of arrears.

Please remember that you must provide proof of income if you want an additional three months of projected rent.

Program Priority Phases

The following is a breakdown of the priority phases of the program:

  1. First Priority – Rent arrears for applicants whose incomes are less than 50% of the area median are considered (AMI)
  2. Second Priority-Rent arrears are a key issue for those candidates who owe between 50 percent and 80 percent of their monthly rent. AMI
  3. Third Priority-Unpaid utility bills are the third most important priority.
  4. Fourth Priority– Expected Rental Income Downtown Revitalization Economic Development Office of Community Affairs Office of Community Affairs City Hall (Mayor’s Office) Our Mission Our Vision About Fresno’s High-Speed Rail Communications Office Grant Program to Save Our Nonprofits Small Business Grants for America’s Future Emergency Rental Assistance Program for Youth In the Fresno Street2Home Fresno County

Documents Required

Residents who have been impacted by COVID-19 and are income-qualified, as well as those with outstanding rent or utilities or who require assistance with upcoming rent or utilities, are eligible to participate in the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

Qualifications for tenants, as well as required documents:

  • The rental property must be located in Fresno.
  • Rental affordability is required (see the chart below for the typical income in Fresno County); tenants must also complete the online application for tenants (see the link below for more information).

If any of the following factors are relevant to assessing your income level, please indicate them in your response:

If you can produce verification of participation in a state or federal subsidy program such as WIC or CalWORKS, you will not be required to provide additional proof of income.

  • Unemployed taxpayers will receive W2 and 1099G forms in the year 2020.
  • Paystubs from the most recent pay period should be provided.
  • Benefit programs like CalFresh and CalWORKS can be used to demonstrate eligibility for certain benefits (your 2020 or 2021 acceptance or renewal letter is preferred).


After April 1, 2020, no more utility invoices or statements will be sent out for any delinquent utility payments that have not been made.
LANDLORDS: CALIFORNIA COVID-19 Rent Relief can aid tenants who have fallen behind on their rent and need financial assistance to make ends meet during difficult financial times. You must meet the following standards to be considered:

By its income, the household of your tenant qualifies for help (refer to Fresno County Area Median Income table below)
The outstanding rent owed by the tenant must be paid in full at all times. You will be unable to obtain financial assistance before April 1, 2020.
If your renter(s) is/are not entitled to rent, they must sign the application and say they are.
Applicants who meet the income eligibility requirements will not be required to provide proof of citizenship, regardless of their immigration status.

Landlords’ eligibility and documentation requirements:

  • The rental property is located in Fresno.
  • Renters who are behind on their rent or utility bills or seeking a home to rent should contact us.
  • The landlord must fill out the landlord component of the online application.

Please bring the following documentation with you:

  • The lease or rental agreement must include the tenant’s name, address, the amount of rent they are responsible for paying each month, and the terms of the agreement.
  • From April 1, 2020, W-9 on the rent ledger or rent statement, there is an outstanding balance of rent due (for tax purposes)


Need Rental Assistance?

Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, we’ve got the resources you need. Click below to learn more and apply.

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